God, Israel and Damascus!

Question: What happens to Syria now according to the Bible?  Will Damascus be in ruins as mentioned in Isaiah 17?


The chances are very high; as Damascus has been the Centre of power in the area for thousands of years; and in Prophecy is seen to be desolated at some point.

Christians have been speculating for years regarding the timing and lead up events; and for the first time it seems as if it is stripped of its Central Power in the Area; and so very quickly so!

When such happens in Scripture, usually; Almighty God is acting, as He did so often in the Old Testament for His people Israel!  He withdrew His overt Power when Israel rejected Him (in Christ Jesus), at Acts 28:25–28) and they became “Lo-Ammi” (not My People); which is showing many signs of reversing soon, as per. the Prophecy of Zech.12:10!!

The next few months/years need careful watching; as the “end times” events seem to be accelerating, which if correct, will see dramatic moves re. Israel on the world scene!

These movements regarding Israel have increased in drama and Israel’s hatred especially since 2018, which was the 70th year of Israel’s Modern Statehood, since AD 70, when Rome razed Jerusalem and the Temple; and the Jews became stateless in the so called “Diaspora”; and the fact of the 70th year of their new position in their Promised Land, cannot be missed or ignored!

To the writer, and many others, Israel have become the “Timepost” regarding events in their Land, and the world, relative to Matt. 24 and 25; and so much of Old Testament Scripture!!

All recent events re. Israel are triggered by the invasion of 7/10/23; and are a continuation of the Roman Empire’s efforts, which was/is underpinned by Lucifer/Satan’s efforts, “to be as God”;  The Fall of Lucifer (Isa. 14:12-15):

12 “How you are fallen from Heaven,

O Lucifer, son of the morning!

How you are cut down to the ground,

You who weakened the nations!

13 For you have said in your heart:

“I will ascend into Heaven”,

“I will exalt my throne above the stars of God”!


End Age Events re. World and Israel (Study)

END OF THE AGE; see Matt. 24! (Study)





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